
If you rent a house or an apartment, it's very beneficial to know the laws that protect tenants. Hi, my name is Sally Riddell and when I moved into my first apartment, I wanted to make sure that I knew all of the laws concerning the rights of tenants. I researched tenant laws and I also spoke with a family friend who is a lawyer to make sure that I understood my responsibilities and rights as a tenant. Because I knew this information before I started renting my apartment, I felt confident when signing my rental agreement. If you're considering living in a rental home or apartment, I suggest that you read my blog first. If you are already renting, this blog will also help you if you ever have any concerns.

Doubt Your Own Memory? You May Be Dealing With Abuse

12 January 2016
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you've been experiencing strange memory lapses or doubting your own memory of events because someone else is telling you that what you thought happened didn't happen, you need to read up on gaslighting. This is a form of abuse that is subtle and sneaky, gradually convincing you that you yourself may be insane or an abuser. This form of abuse is especially difficult to deal with, but once you recognize it's happening, you can stop it. Read More …

Injured At The Hands Of A Medical Specialist? Your Referring Doctor May Also Be Liable

23 December 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

It seems like everybody is a specialist these days. The day of the family doctor who handled everything from ear infections to setting broken bones is long gone. Instead, your primary care physician probably helps you manage any ongoing problems and minor illnesses but turns over anything complicated to a medical specialist of some sort. What happens when the doctor that you know and trust refers you to another doctor who doesn't turn out to be much of an expert? Read More …

The Importance Of Hiring A Competent DUI Attorney

9 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

A DUI arrest can cause stress for the subject of the arrest. While it is possible for the individual to go to court without an attorney and present their own case to the judge, it is not advisable. No matter the circumstances of a DUI charge, there is hope; this hope comes in the form of a competent, experienced DUI lawyer Getting the Charges Dropped It is entirely possible for a competent attorney to get a client's DUI charges dropped, especially if the circumstances causing the arrest are mild. Read More …

3 Ways To Ensure Your Mental Illness Doesn’t Affect A Child Custody Decision

20 November 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you're facing a custody battle but worry that your mental illness will be used as an excuse by your ex-partner, it's important that you do everything in your power to show that your illness is under control and that it shouldn't be considered as a part of the custody case. Below are tips on getting through the custody case and getting the decision that you and your child deserve. Read More …

3 Tips For Managing Your Attorney Fees In Your Personal Injury Case

3 November 2015
 Categories: Law, Blog

Were you recently injured in an accident that wasn't your fault? Are you considering legal action against the liable party? One of the biggest questions you may have is how much legal representation will cost and how you will pay your attorney. Most attorneys accept personal injury cases on a contingency basis. That is, they accept their payment out of your settlement or award. The percentage that they take can vary based on how complex the case was, what their costs were, and your state's specific laws regarding legal fees. Read More …